Japanese tales of phantasia walkthrough
Japanese tales of phantasia walkthrough

japanese tales of phantasia walkthrough

There has to be a plot twist down the line, as well as a whole lot of detours and meanderings that will obviously involve backtracking. But we're talking about a Tales game there and if my meagre experience in the Tales department is any indication, ToP simply cannot end in such an unfussy and straightforward way. Not only that, but I've explored the whole game world and I'm currently standing at the foot of the big baddie's castle, so now would be the absolute perfect time to wrap up that game. As a matter of fact, as far as my personal RPG clock is concerned, ToP should end right now, at the 20-or-so hour mark this just feels like the perfect length for that game. And the reason for this untimely defection is quite simple: I've had enough of it, in the most positive way possible. I love Tales of Phantasia, I really do and yet, I'm now dropping it after roughly 20 delightful hours of play. But since it was a first try, I'll be lenient and forgive the fighting system's shortcomings, all the more so as it's quite efficient and entertaining overall. I could also mention the stiffness and slowness of the fighting system, which makes retaliation or escape impossible if you happen to be stuck in a bad pattern of enemies cornering and chain-hitting your team. I would have preferred to get either the opposite or a more balanced encounter rate overall - all the more so as dungeons are labyrinthine and bristling with puzzles, and it can be quite hard to keep track of what you're doing when you're interrupted every five seconds by a random battle. I love it so much that I would be hard-pressed to find a glaring flaw in that gem of a game but if I had to nit-pick about something, that would probably be the fact that the random encounter rate is a trifle too high in dungeons and a trifle too low on the world map. Saving The Bloody World but still, things are presented in a way that's pleasantly toned-down for a J-RPG and a Tales game - especially when compared to latter Tales entries and their distinctly hysterical storytelling. Sure, said crucial mission is by no means original, since we're talking about the meat and potatoes of all J-RPGs, i.e. And the cast is by far the best I've seen on a Tales game: no whiny teenager, no hysterical loli, no overbearing big brother, but rather a dignified quartet intent on fulfilling a crucial mission. I love everything about that debut, from its retro aesthetics to its dreamy atmosphere, without forgetting its thrilling fighting system and unobstrusive story deliciously light on cutscenes. I love it so much that it can claim the honour of being my favourite Tales entry so far. Now's the time to reveal my feelings about Tales of Phantasia, and said feelings can be summed up in one short sentence: I love that game.

Japanese tales of phantasia walkthrough